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10 Ways to Stay Motivated

Updated: Mar 14, 2018

Are you always motivated? Does your lack inspiration cause you to feel stuck at times?

I believe it’s quite normal to not feel encouraged at times. As human beings some of us have a hard time waking up early in the morning, we may struggle to go work out the way we planned to or, simply commit to the things we would like to change. However, we may not get around to actually checking off our to do list because too often we procrastinate or, feel unmotivated. Staying motivated is a way of challenging yourself to be disciplined while maintaining a positive outlook on how you approach your opportunities.

“Never put off till tomorrow what may be done day after tomorrow just as well.” – Mark Twain

Procrastination is the thief of progress. Have you ever completed something you put off for forever? Then you finally got around to the task at hand you find that it was super easy to accomplish? Everyday is a new opportunity to find a new approach to set an action plan for staying inspired. I myself have to always find new ways to build energy, new perspectives, and new approaches as well so that I don’t get bored. I create list, I leave myself notes, utilize post its, write in journals, or use cool apps on my phone to stay on track to get things done by any means necessary. There are multitude of ways you than start keeping yourself inspired I will share with you a complete list of 10 ways stay to motivated,

  1. Pray / Meditate - Find the to time to practice whatever spiritual source brings you peace of mind and solitude.

  2. Eat well & exercise- Staying physically active releases stress, increases energy, and physical bodily functions. Keeping at 30 min of cardio, or stretching can greatly, cutting out the junk food, and processed food improve your overall vitality.

  3. Read - Reading books on self improvement, your career field or, other interest you may have can give you a fresh insight on what you would already do or, would like to do.

  4. Research - There is a ton of information out there on the internet, such as vlogs, tutorials, and podcast are great resources out there to keep mind stimulated with new ideas.

  5. Stay organized - If you are unorganized in your day to day life it is easy to be in most areas of everyday life. Make organization a priority to help avoid unnecessary

  6. Planner- This is one of my favorites to I keep on top of my daily, weekly, monthly, and, even yearly list of goals. They have all types of sizes and styles available out there to personalize your plan.

  7. Action plan- Keeping a list of goals is great. Yet, if there is no action plan in place behind your intentions it will just be a list. If you are not self motivated the list the will just haunt you. Break down your action plan into micro and macro goals. Commit to doing at least on thing of your list a day.

  8. Vision Board- You would be surprised at how many people have never create a vision board. I love making a vision board at least twice a year. I get a stack of magazines, I cut out my aspirations, hopes, dreams, desires, goals, and, the over all vision for my life. Then, I add it to a poster board and post my vision board in a place that I will be able to see daily.

  9. Take a break- If that means taking a social media break, taking a break from your crew, take a break from whatever it is that may drain you and, take a vacation. Sometimes you need to recharge. There is nothing like feeling refreshed and, ready to go!

  10. Reward - Show love to yourself for the small wins and, the big wins that you achieve. There is nothing wrong with treating yourself for all of your efforts and hard work.

What do you do to motivate yourself? What do you find to be your source of inspiration? Hopefully, you will try a few of these tips to keep yourself motivated to create a lifestyle that improves the overall quality of your life.

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